ART BRIDGE05 | Spring
Transit Republic

『ART BRIDGE05|Transit Republic 越境芸術祭』を発行いたしました。

目指すはロサンゼルス、そしてメキシコ。合衆国の西、太平洋の東、中南米の北として、多様な文化が出会い混交してきたロサンゼルスは、砂漠に生まれ中心を持たずに拡大と成長を続ける超都市であり、映画芸術を生み出し移民の夢と現実を吸収する、移動的生命体でもあります。まだまだ未知なる文化の発信源をリサーチしながら、展示と編集を同時進行するプロジェクト『Transit Republic』が今回の特集です。
(港千尋『ART BRIDGE05|statement』より)

Being“ in transit” is that space in continuum, limbo, possibly weightless, leaving behind realities in exchanges for possibilities, the unaccountable time over matter which could transform into anything or nothing. The long tracks of the transcontinental railroad, the wide laned freeways of California disappearing into the never-ending horizon, the window in the desert sky where the moon and sun shine together. The history of space defines a city, its urban and rural landscapes and the production of these spaces can be attributed to human creation.
The ebbs and flows of coexistence call attention to the often lost margins of settlements, endangered areas of gentrification. In this 5th issue of ART BRIDGE, the publishing project transposes across the Pacific shore into the fabric of Los Angeles communities, the preeminent political change of the 45th administration, the reinstated immigration ban, the Mexican wall and the fervent Tijuana artists in sustainable resistance.“ Community” is now a verb.
(Kio Griffith ART BRIDGE 05 Project Director / Manager)

